Tuesday, August 18, 2009

alot of random thoughts :)

Well first of all,
I'm assuming that nobody will be bothered reading this, because honestly it isn't really any of their business...except for shaniz :) hahahaha.

Anyways, now that i got that off my chest (applies for all blogs i write:P!)
where do i start, wow so many thoughts in my mind right now...i guess it helps that I'm writing this to let them out & organize them into some sort of order, because right now, I'm wondering how I'll be able to sleep with this feeling of disorder. When i usually feel like this at school, i tend to RUN AROUND like a mothaf**ker and JUMP like a "hyperactive bunny on extacy" (direct quotes!) but i'm not really in the time and place for that right now.

So i'll try and fill you in as best as i can.

Well, the main & (oh-so giggle worthy) thought on my mind would be BOYS.

the unavoidable yet enjoyable attention that is drawn to any female.
I probably shouldn't be focussing on boys at this point in my life; with so many opportunities and important descisions to make, how can i even cope?
Well i guess that's adolescence for you.

I recently broke out of a relationship, resulting many many arguments & finally there is nothing more to say & he moves away. Is it just me, or is that somewhat cliche?? Anyway, i'll save that story for another day.

Although, aside from all the fighting, we did end up learning alot from that experience, and that naturally took alot of time to process.

to be contined after dinner LOL :)

Ok, unfortunately, i have lost most of those thoughts i had before, moved on to other thoughts now..but I'm not going to go into all of them otherwise, i will be here all day :P

Alright, as for a brief summary of what i was thinking previously;

As for me, as i told you before, i just recently got out of a relationship with a guy and for now i am trying to focus on other (more relevant) aspirations.
I am not trying to get myself into another relationship. But for some odd reason, (now of all times) a heap of guys are trying to get to know me personally. I know this sounds highly vein and all, but i don't need it all right now, although i know i enjoy that attention but at the same time it is creating a distraction;
a highly addictive distraction.
And it's ever so contradicting, but i do appreciate it all, although it does place a lot more pressure on me. It's like some sort of game of temptation; very very tempting, but once you give in you lose the rush. For me right now, i just need to focus on me. My welfare, my responsibilities, my decisions, my goals and my life.
And to continue simply being me without getting distracted along the way:)

time for my precious (RANDOM) dreams to take it's course.......