Monday, June 21, 2010

Half-yearly reflection / On the road again

Hello my dear bloggers :) long, long, long time no see.

hows the life in blogger land?

Well, my life has been pretty hectic.

Where should i start?

I guess you could say, I've lived up to my expectation.
My expectation of the year - to study as hard as possible, work to my full potential, and strive to achieve my best. Oh i tell you now, it isn't easy.
Half a year down, another trying half to go. Wonderful.

In the start it was tough, very very tough. I was juggling what felt like 500 tasks at once, trying to please those around me and trying to please myself. I encountered challenging teachers, challenging expectations, challenging tasks - my work ethics had been pulled and stretched so far that i couldn't bear to look back at what they used to be, or how little i really tried or cared in school. I had never felt quite like that before. I was on overdrive.

Looking back now, i realize how truly great this push really is. I've become so accustom to it now, i don't even notice "it's presence" anymore. It's a change for the better, a turning point for me. It was and is, my time to delve into the books, shut my door and really take all the information in, like a processing, durable, high-speed, high capacity, high-tech computer.

Nothing good ever came without a price right?
I learned that being focused and truly, 100% committed to this, means i had to learn to make SACrifices (When i tell my mum i have a SAC - meaning school assessed coursework - she redirects it, calling it a SACrifice. I guess it really does covey significance).
I practically withdrew from the dating game, putting my yearning for intimacy aside. THAT WAS PRETTY DIFFICULT...
I worked less, consequently earning less cash.
I hung out with friends less - constantly reminiscing the past; the days in which we didn't really care.
And hardest of all, i sacrificed vital time for my interests and developing potential, creative ideas which may or may not contribute to my future.

Nevertheless, i do believe it was worth it. It was worth every minute of it. I mean sure, i guess i had to sacrifice a lot, but i guess the outcome reflects in my exam/SAC results, and i couldn't be more pleased with them :)

Now, it is my chance to relax, take a break, go out and enjoy myself. However, i do believe this time is highly important and shouldn't be wasted. Due to the lack of time i had, to try and think up a creative storm of ideas, which again; may or may not contribute to my future, I've decided I'm going to utilize this time to achieve this. I was temporarily caught in the background but o baby I'm back! And this time, I'm ready for action. Time to get creative & put my thinking cap on, hit a breakthrough, and achieve my dreams :)
Also, my friend from Germany will be returning in 2 weeks (FINALLY!) and perhaps it can be like the old times again, and i can allow myself to indulge - just a tad - in the pleasure of intimacy and colorful affection i ever so dearly miss and yearn, again... Or i can just have fun with it, either way ;)

I've also been traveling like a motherfcker lately :) AND I LOOOOOVE IT!
Travelling has now become another serious ambition of mine, I'm already saving up.
I've also established the fact that one day i am going to fly a plane!

Don't know if i mentioned it, but i flew over to Hong Kong approximately 2 weeks ago, landing in the tropical paradise for unfortunately only 4 days (I had my exams on literally as soon as i got back). That a gamble...but oh i managed ;) with flying colours...
And just in general - I go on a road trip on a constant basis! and loving it once again...
Oh and the day after tomorrow I'm off to camp with my absolutely awesome peers :) WOOHOO. I gotta admit, i deserve it :P

So i guess for now, I'm all set, and mega excited for what's yet to come!

Here's to another challenging yet satisfying 6 months... Hip-hip Horayyyyyyyyy!

Orevoir amigos ♥