Wednesday, December 9, 2009

holiday mode Claire'

Why hello little bloggers. How have you all been ?

Well for me things have been pretty average. Summer holidays are in full swing, and i am officially out of "school mode" and into "Holiday mode".
"School mode" would have to be the busy, learning, socially active, hyper side to me (that's exactly while i love school so much). Where as, my "holiday mode" would be more of a chilled out, lazy-ish, calmer, relaxed Claire.

Well say hello to holiday mode Claire, because you're about to see a hell-of-a-lot more of here round here these days.

You see, I've had a lot more ERB (Empty Restless Bored) time these days, and have undeniably become highly familiarized with the location of simple household items, than say, the location of classrooms and others.
I've also been reminiscing a lot more than usual and i got up to some researching.
I rediscovered my love for fashion, photography and art. And with some of the amazing pictures I found, you get all three of those in one!

Check out the following pictures;

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How coooool yeah?! :)
I got heaps more as well.

Anyway, other than my researching (oh and working heaps), i haven't really accomplished too much. I guess it's my chill out time of the year, time for me to reflect, perhaps chill with friends, family, relatives and enjoy the upcoming festive season.
This may sound odd, but yeah I'm going to miss the convenience of school. In fact, I already do.
It's strange because often (during the year), I've been contemplating the coming of summer holidays so i can relax, hang out with friends almost everyday, and have my well earned break.
But it's as if i preferred it at school... My social life is sort of dead at the moment, or at least unwell.

I seriously don't understand how anyone could EVER quit school? It's such a necessity to me, i gotta admit; i strive off the constant learning we are exposed to in a school environment. I absoloutely LOVE IT! That's why i believe i am going to University.
My mind's already made up :)

And as for holiday mode Claire' you are hearing from right now, I am just going to enjoy this free time while I can. I am definately going to make plans woth friends as of today, and plans for myself/things to achieve personally over this period of time.
I will hopefully (finally) get my L's.
I will try and participate in extra-curriculum courses.
I will work lots and save money.
I will catch up with all the relatives I miss ever so dearly.
I will plan for the future (next year)
And I will have a great time!

tooooodles, enjoy ;)

1 comment:

  1. Babe you updated your page, FANTASTIC hahaha!
    I miss you dearly, Oh and the party's on friday holy crap?!?!

    ♥ Love Always
